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The Case for Repurposing Unwanted Kiosks

Remember DVDs? A recent story that caught our attention is the sad but hardly surprising demise of DVD rental company Redbox in the US. Back in the day, Redbox was a true pioneer of self-service kiosks. Its business model was [...]

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Why Kiosk Technology Will Kill Off Passports

The first time most people heard of biometric technology was when they got their first biometric passport. These futuristic-sounding travel documents have been the norm in the UK for close to 20 years, and the government issues some five million [...]

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Embedded Hardware, the Unsung Heroes of Kiosk Performance

As visual creatures, human attention tends to focus on whatever draws the eye most. So with kiosks, functionality centres around the touchscreen interface. In fact, it’s no accident that the vast majority of computerised devices, from smartphones to PCs, are [...]

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The Ethics of Facial Recognition Technology

Facial recognition technology has huge potential in the world of self-service. It is already widely used in kiosks for identification, security and personnel access, including in high-profile applications like border control. In sectors such as retail, food service, hospitality and [...]

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Five Steps to Optimising Kiosk Performance

One of the classic errors businesses make with new technology is putting all their focus on the onboarding phase and expecting results to automatically follow. The underlying assumption here is that the simple act of adopting tech is sufficient to [...]

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Why Self-Service Will Never Spell the End of People Power

It was Alan Turing, code-breaking war hero, computer science pioneer and all-around mathematical genius, who gave one of the earliest versions of the much-recycled “the machines are taking over” quote. It was during a pretty obscure lecture given in 1951 [...]

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Cutting Through the Media Noise Around Self-Checkout

In our last blog, we tackled the issue of the high shrink rates being reported at supermarket self-checkout points, as customers supposedly take advantage of ‘weak’ security. Our perspective is that the weakness isn’t something inherent in the technology, but [...]

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How Self-Service Can Complement Human Interactions

Nearly every business these days could be described as a hybrid operation. That’s hybrid in the sense of a mix of human and machine. The advance of digital technology means that the days when every process and interaction was handled [...]

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