What’s Next for Kiosks in the Hotel Industry?
In the hotel industry, the quality of the guest experience has long been closely associated with the quality of service provided by staff. We see that summed up in the word ‘concierge’, which in its modern usage is synonymous with [...]
Streamlining Distribution: The Many Uses of Card-Dispensing Kiosks
Remember the days when you had to wait for a new bank, ID or membership card to arrive in the post? Ok, trick question - in a lot of cases, that’s still the world we live in. But it doesn’t [...]
Is Your Business Ready for Single User ID?
Omnichannel is a term you hear crop up in business a lot these days. It means, as per Tech Target, “provid[ing] customers with a seamless and unified brand experience, regardless of which channel they use.” What this means in plain [...]
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It’s Official: Consumers LOVE Kiosks. Here Are Three Reasons Why
Self-service kiosks are popping up in more and more locations at a rapid rate. If you’ve ever wondered why, there’s one very good answer - people love them. The body of evidence backing up that claim is growing all the [...]
What Does the Future Hold for Identity Technology?
Have you ever sat and counted up how often you are asked to prove who you are as you go about your daily business? It’s a useful exercise just to get a grasp of just how important identification is in [...]
Kiosk Connectivity: Five Reasons to Consider Mobile
There’s a lot to marvel at about modern digital technology. But perhaps the most amazing part of it all is also the part we take most for granted - connectivity. For all the clever things your smartphone can do, and [...]
Could Kiosks Help Make Passport Application Backlogs a Thing of the Past?
It’s been another difficult year for travellers. After two years of COVID-related disruption kept the majority of holidaymakers on these shores, the problems this year have largely been caused by so many people looking to get abroad again. Airports and [...]
Are Kiosks a Good Fit for Small Businesses?
Self-service kiosks are already a familiar sight everywhere from fast food restaurant chains to multiplex cinemas, office block reception areas to airport check-in halls. Not to mention supermarkets, where self-checkout lanes continue to pioneer the self-serve concept in retail. Yet [...]
How Kiosks Could Help Ease Airport ‘Chaos’
It’s been a tough couple of months for the UK’s airports, not to mention the passengers looking forward to a long-overdue trip abroad. After all the disruption to international travel caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the flight cancellations and long [...]
The Advantages of Digital Kiosks in Hospitals
Digital kiosks in hospitals and other healthcare settings are increasingly ubiquitous - and for good reason. There are numerous advantages of digital kiosks in hospitals, from increased efficiency to higher levels of patient satisfaction. Read on for our guide to [...]
Our Top Tips For Cleaning Your Touchscreen Kiosk
Although always necessary, the Covid-19 pandemic drew extra attention to the importance of touchscreen kiosk cleanliness. Across workplaces and retailers, social distancing was mandated, meaning the use of interactive kiosks was encouraged and prevalent nationwide. However, the nature of the [...]
How Self Payment Kiosks Could Help Your Car Parking Business
Digital self-payment kiosks have revolutionised car parking. Gone are the days of holding onto loose change and slowly feeding coins into a slot - or, having to turn around and go home, because you don’t have enough cash. Those were [...]
Virtual Reality and Kiosks: The Future of Kiosks?
Once existing in the realms of science fiction, virtual reality has truly become ‘reality’. The pace of growth in the virtual reality (VR) space is astonishing. By 2024, it’s estimated to become a $12 billion global industry – and the [...]
The Benefits of Using Kiosk Banking
The benefits of using kiosk banking are significant for individual customers and bank branches alike. Before we go any further, it’s important to clarify the terminology we’re using. A banking kiosk isn’t the same as an automatic teller machine (ATM). [...]
How Long Does It Take To Install An Interactive Kiosk?
The benefits of interactive kiosks are well established. It’s therefore unsurprising that demand for kiosks, across a wide range of sectors, continues to increase. For many businesses, installing a kiosk, or multiple interactive screens is part of a strategy to [...]