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The Case for Repurposing Unwanted Kiosks

Remember DVDs? A recent story that caught our attention is the sad but hardly surprising demise of DVD rental company Redbox in the US. Back in the day, Redbox was a true pioneer of self-service kiosks. Its business model was [...]

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Why Kiosk Technology Will Kill Off Passports

The first time most people heard of biometric technology was when they got their first biometric passport. These futuristic-sounding travel documents have been the norm in the UK for close to 20 years, and the government issues some five million [...]

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Could Kiosks Help Keep Cash Alive?

We recently published a blog assessing the role self-service kiosks are playing in the shift towards a ‘cashless’ society. In it, we argued that the kiosk industry should be cautious about pushing the cashless ticket too fast. People are by [...]

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The Benefits Of Self-Service Kiosks In Education

The start of the new academic year is a busy time of new beginnings for families and professionals. It means new classes, perhaps a new school, college or even leaving home for university. For schools, it means new intakes, new [...]

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What’s Next for Kiosks in the Hotel Industry?

In the hotel industry, the quality of the guest experience has long been closely associated with the quality of service provided by staff. We see that summed up in the word ‘concierge’, which in its modern usage is synonymous with [...]

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Is Your Business Ready for Single User ID?

Omnichannel is a term you hear crop up in business a lot these days. It means, as per Tech Target, “provid[ing] customers with a seamless and unified brand experience, regardless of which channel they use.” What this means in plain [...]

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