Customer feedback has become a familiar feature of the digital world. Buy something online, visit a website, download an app, you’ll often be asked to leave a review or share whether you were satisfied with the experience (or otherwise).

There’s good reason for this. According to Zendesk, online customer reviews influence 88% of consumer buying decisions. But more generally, knowing what customers think about the service you provide is the best way to provide the service people want. You can identify and address issues, focus on strengths, make changes that real users want to see.

This applies to kiosks just the same as it does to web stores and apps. Including customer feedback options on a kiosk can help to optimise the services your kiosk offers. But more generally, it can also be an invaluable source of insight into your wider business.

Here are five benefits of having a feedback facility on your kiosks.

Making Customers Feel Valued

People like to have their voices heard. Including customer feedback options on a self-service kiosk allows customers to express their opinions and share their experiences. That in itself is a powerful tool for building positive relationships with your customers. It makes them feel their opinions matter. And that your business cares about delivering against their expectations.

Enhanced User Experience

Customer feedback helps businesses understand the user experience from the customer’s perspective. If you ask about the self-service experience specifically, positive feedback reinforces the effectiveness of the self-service system, while negative feedback provides valuable insights into areas that may need improvement. This information can be used to make adjustments to the kiosk interface, streamline processes, and eliminate any potential pain points, leading to an improved and more user-friendly experience.

Continuous Improvement

When should such improvements to the user experience be made? Ideally, every time feedback suggests the need for improvement is received! If that sounds unrealistic, consider how AI is increasingly making automated decision-making in real-time very much a possibility.

At the very least, real-time analysis of feedback and customer sentiment creates a feedback loop that allows businesses to identify trends and patterns, and lays the foundations for making ongoing improvements. By staying responsive to customer needs and preferences on a continuous basis, you will be able to address concerns more promptly and efficiently, providing another boost to customer satisfaction.

Identification of System Issues

One of the most common reasons for customers to leave ‘negative’ feedback about any kind of technology is when they often encounter technical issues or glitches. As far as a kiosk goes, you want to be able to identify such issues as soon as possible. With a combination of a user feedback facility and AI to identify and fast-track complaints about functionality, you can be confident resolving problems quickly, ensuring a smoother experience for all users.

Informed Business Decision-Making

Customer feedback gathered via a kiosk need not be all about how the kiosk works or the quality of the experience it offers. It can also provide valuable insights into customer preferences, expectations, and behaviour in more general terms. Analysing this data enables businesses to make informed decisions about product or service enhancements, marketing strategies, and overall business operations. In this way, self-service kiosks can become a valuable asset in getting to know your customers better.