• Self-service Technology

How Kiosk Technology is Driving Smart Vending

Remember the vending machines of old? Coin-operated, and mechanical, it often felt something of a lottery as to whether you’d get the product you wanted. Today’s models look very different. Slick, digital, touchscreen operated - like so many electronic devices, vending machines have gotten ‘smart’. And it’s kiosk technology driving them. In many ways, vending [...]

2023-05-09T09:22:05+01:00Kiosks, News|
  • Self-Service Checkout

Emerging Trends in Self-Service Checkout

Self-service checkout can nowadays be considered a mature technology, especially in the hyper-accelerated terms of digitisation. One of the original use cases for kiosks, self-checkout is now a familiar point of sale option across retail, hospitality, leisure and entertainment, travel and many more sectors. One of the reasons why self-checkout - and self-service kiosks in [...]

2023-05-09T09:29:46+01:00Kiosks, News|
  • Biometrics

Why Building Trust in Biometrics is the Last Hurdle to Adoption

By 2010, the hype around cloud computing in tech circles was already reaching fever pitch. Google CEO Eric Schmidt had coined the term ‘cloud’ four years earlier to talk about the ‘opportunity’ running IT architecture in remote servers presented. Amazon Web Services (AWS) had been around since 2002. But there was a problem. For all [...]

  • self service kiosk

How Kiosks Can Support Sustainability

With the COP27 summit in November 2022, the increasingly urgent need to tackle climate change was once again been at the top of the news agenda. But the truth is, for individuals and businesses alike, this is no longer an issue anyone can afford to put on the backburner even when it’s not making headlines. [...]

2023-03-02T20:15:18+00:00Kiosks, News|
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