• Self-service kiosks

Five Questions to Ask Before You Buy Your Next Kiosk

Globally, self-service kiosks represent a real growth market. Some forecasts put expected CAGR over the next five years into double-digits, as more and more businesses across all sectors of the economy look to get onboard with this game-changing technology. The reasons why the adoption of kiosks is continuing at such a pace are not difficult [...]

2023-07-26T17:49:24+01:00Kiosks, News|
  • Inclusivity

Four Ways Kiosks Can Boost Inclusivity

Inclusivity is one of the watchwords of the modern world. Yet despite great strides being made in recent years to make workplaces and public spaces more accessible and welcoming to all, it’s clear we still have a long way to go. One in five people still don’t think their place of work is inclusive, while [...]

2023-07-26T17:43:13+01:00Kiosks, News|
  • Self-service Technology

How Kiosk Technology is Driving Smart Vending

Remember the vending machines of old? Coin-operated, and mechanical, it often felt something of a lottery as to whether you’d get the product you wanted. Today’s models look very different. Slick, digital, touchscreen operated - like so many electronic devices, vending machines have gotten ‘smart’. And it’s kiosk technology driving them. In many ways, vending [...]

2023-05-09T09:22:05+01:00Kiosks, News|
  • Self-Service Checkout

Emerging Trends in Self-Service Checkout

Self-service checkout can nowadays be considered a mature technology, especially in the hyper-accelerated terms of digitisation. One of the original use cases for kiosks, self-checkout is now a familiar point of sale option across retail, hospitality, leisure and entertainment, travel and many more sectors. One of the reasons why self-checkout - and self-service kiosks in [...]

2023-05-09T09:29:46+01:00Kiosks, News|
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