• Digital Kiosks in Retail

How to Use Digital Kiosks in Retail

Retail spaces are transforming all the time and digital kiosks are now an integral part of the landscape for most successful customer facing retail businesses. From supermarkets to fast food restaurants, this technology has been adopted to streamline ordering processes, boost brand awareness and allow customers to access to a wealth of information in a [...]

2022-05-11T12:28:44+01:00Kiosks, News|
  • self service checkout kiosk

The advantages of installing a self service checkout kiosk

The significant increase in online shopping over the past year has been well-publicised, and unlikely to drop any time soon. Interestingly, in a 2019 survey, 83% of internet users described a quick and easy checkout process the most valued part of their retail experience. To compete with increasingly slick online user-journeys, it’s imperative that physical [...]

2022-05-11T13:43:39+01:00Kiosks, News|
  • Digital Building Directories

What Are Digital Building Directories?

You’ve probably heard of them before, but if you’ve ever asked yourself ‘just what are digital building directories?’, then wonder no more. As with all types of digital signage, they have plenty of advantages. In all likelihood you’ll have seen or used one before, perhaps in a shopping mall, hospital or office. Not only does [...]

2022-05-11T13:48:44+01:00Kiosks, News|
  • Digital Signage In Conference Rooms

The Benefits Of Using Digital Signage In Conference Rooms

You may be surprised to learn just how helpful the benefits of using digital signage in conference rooms are. Many of us only attended virtual conference rooms during the first year of COVID-19. Now employees worldwide are seeing the benefits of having face-to-face meetings once again, with most businesses reopening their offices. Here are five [...]

2022-05-11T13:45:23+01:00Kiosks, News|
  • Digital Kiosks

Digital Kiosks And Their Potential Role In Vaccine Passports

The Covid-19 pandemic has arguably been the most deadly and consequential global event since the Second World War. As is the case in such times, technological and scientific innovation become a priority, and the rapid development of effective vaccines aptly demonstrates this. Data and long-held scientific thought suggest mass vaccination is the best way to [...]

2022-05-05T13:40:30+01:00Kiosks, News|
  • Interactive Kiosk

Which Interactive Kiosk Should You Buy?

The benefits of interactive kiosks have been widely discussed. Therefore, it’s unsurprising they have become ubiquitous sights in shops, showrooms, museums and work-settings globally. One of the great strengths of an interactive kiosk is its suitability to serve a specific function – via either hardware or software. This means when purchasing one for your organisation, [...]

2022-05-11T13:50:47+01:00Kiosks, News|
  • Self-Service Kiosks For Car Dealerships

Self-Service Kiosks For Car Dealerships: What Are Their Benefits?

Self-service kiosks for car dealerships are in increasingly high demand. Their versatility, underpinned by powerful and wide-ranging functionality, makes them beneficial additions to car showrooms and dealership offices alike. From HR benefits and marketing opportunities to a slicker customer experience, digital kiosks can have a major positive impact in the automotive space. In this blog, [...]

2022-05-11T13:37:42+01:00Kiosks, News|
  • Interactive Kiosks

Interactive Kiosks and Foreign Languages: How Kiosks Can Break Language Barriers

Interactive kiosks are increasingly common sights in all kinds of locations. From religious settings to pubs and bars, interactive kiosks offer a vast range of benefits. The positive impact of digital kiosks is underpinned by their versatility. Powerful pieces of technology, with almost limitless opportunity for adaptation, their cutting-edge software offers a slick user [...]

2022-06-22T17:18:02+01:00Kiosks, News|
  • Self-Service Kiosks

How Self-Service Kiosks Could Deliver You ROI

At Acante, we’re well placed to talk about how self-service kiosks could deliver you return on investment (ROI). Not only are we leaders in the industry, but our kiosks have a track record of delivering ROI for our clients. Recently, one of our clients has reported an uplift of £1.41 on every transaction after installing [...]

2022-05-11T13:56:15+01:00Kiosks, News|
  • Interactive Kiosk in Religious Settings

Benefits of Using an Interactive Kiosk in Religious Settings

Offering numerous practical functions, interactive kiosks are increasingly used in a variety of commercial and non-commercial settings. As well as being mainstays in supermarkets, stations, and cinemas, we’re increasingly seeing interactive kiosks in religious settings. In this article, we look at the benefits of using an interactive kiosk in a religious setting. Secure, cash-free gifting [...]

2022-05-11T13:55:29+01:00Kiosks, News|
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