How Kiosks Could Breathe New Life Into Catalogue Retail
In today’s digital world, the idea of receiving a printed catalogue the size and weight of a small paving slab through the post for the purposes of ordering goods for home delivery seems exotically quaint and old-fashioned. But in their [...]
Five Ways Kiosks Are Empowering Patients in Healthcare
Here at Acante, we love a good story of kiosk innovation that showcases the endless potential of this wonderfully flexible technology. This month, our collective eye was caught (excuse the pun!) by news of Eyebot, a US-based start-up that has [...]
Multi-Purpose Kiosks: Why Pooling Resources Makes Sense
As digitisation continues with its global takeover, the list of ordinary day-to-day tasks we can complete virtually, remotely - whatever you want to call it - continues to grow and grow. You don’t have to be that old to remember [...]
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The Importance of User Interface Design for Self-Service Kiosks
Technology is capable of truly amazing things. But without paying attention to the user interface design (UI), it doesn’t matter how clever or groundbreaking or revolutionary your tech product is. If it’s not simple and straightforward for people to use, [...]
How Kiosk Technology is Driving Smart Vending
Remember the vending machines of old? Coin-operated, and mechanical, it often felt something of a lottery as to whether you’d get the product you wanted. Today’s models look very different. Slick, digital, touchscreen operated - like so many electronic devices, [...]
What Are Smart City Kiosks and What Are They Used For?
In an age when everything from phones to TVs to homes is ‘smart’, smart cities stand out as the most ambitious of all such data-fuelled, connected concepts. It’s a simple matter of scale. Something like a smart refrigerator, for example, [...]
Emerging Trends in Self-Service Checkout
Self-service checkout can nowadays be considered a mature technology, especially in the hyper-accelerated terms of digitisation. One of the original use cases for kiosks, self-checkout is now a familiar point of sale option across retail, hospitality, leisure and entertainment, travel [...]
Why Interactive Kiosks Could Breathe New Life Into Bricks-and-Mortar Branches
How people interact with business is changing. These days, we’re just as likely to make a purchase online as we are to walk into a shop. If we want information or support, we’ll click on a live chat widget or [...]
Why Building Trust in Biometrics is the Last Hurdle to Adoption
By 2010, the hype around cloud computing in tech circles was already reaching fever pitch. Google CEO Eric Schmidt had coined the term ‘cloud’ four years earlier to talk about the ‘opportunity’ running IT architecture in remote servers presented. Amazon [...]
Kiosk Connectivity: Five Reasons to Consider Mobile
There’s a lot to marvel about modern digital technology. But perhaps the most amazing part of it all is also the part we take most for granted - connectivity. For all the clever things your smartphone can do, and the [...]
How Kiosks Can Support Sustainability
With the COP27 summit in November 2022, the increasingly urgent need to tackle climate change was once again been at the top of the news agenda. But the truth is, for individuals and businesses alike, this is no longer an [...]
Four Ways a Card Dispensing Kiosk Could Boost Your Business
Even as we transition to a digital society where it seems the whole world is stored in our smartphones, cards continue to play an important role in our day-to-day lives. The majority of people, of course, continue to carry bank [...]
Three Ways Kiosks Can Make Your Business More Efficient
Self-service kiosks represent a booming tech sector in their own right. Forecasts predict that the global market for kiosks will more than double in value by 2028, at which point it will be worth more than $50bn. There are many [...]
What Are Interactive Information Kiosks and What Can They Do For Your Organisation?
Digital kiosks are an increasingly familiar sight across a wide range of settings. But if you asked the average person on the street what kiosks are for, you can bet the most common answer would be making purchases without having [...]
Acante Awarded Kiosk Design and Build Company of the Year
Acante has been awarded Kiosk Design and Build Company of the Year 2022 at the Southern Enterprise Awards. Since its inception in 2018, the Southern Enterprise Awards aims to highlight and reward the businesses and individuals who have shown true [...]